Make your own website with Wordpress Direct for FREE Today!
Submitted By: Anonymous on 2010-06-02
About the video: ChrisEndres1 wrote: Make your own website with Wordpress Direct for Free Today! This system is made for pro's and new website installers alike. So easy a Caveman could do it! So you would like to make your own free website? There are a lot of options available to you. The first consideration is the name, and this is very important. Google "ranks" websites against eachother, and the name of a business or service may not match the words people use to find that product or service, in which case google will not show that website as often. Does this mean you must change the name of your business? No, certainly not. You just present your business in a little bit different way. Choose a keyword, which means a word or phrase that matches what people put into the search engines to find a product, service or information, then buy a domain name that closely matches the words people search for. Once you have a domain name, you are ready to put your own free website up. How do you do this? There is a place online called Wordpress Direct. Making a website is so easy with this service. All you do is look through and choose what you want your website to look like from around 1500 choices, then login to where you bought your domain name and upload your new website. That's not even the coolest part. Wordpress Direct also has tools that you enter your keyword into and it will go out and look for videos, articles, and products and services from shopping networks so you have great content on your own free ...
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Philo said:
Encouraging people to put up crappy sites full of other people's material that are a glut on the Web, probably unsuccessful but even worse if they are successful. Abhorrent.
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